Early Math Resources

Babies doing math? That’s right! The roots of early math skills begin developing from birth, through babies’ everyday play and interactions with parents and caregivers. These early math skills have a big impact on children’s school readiness—in fact, research has found that a strong understanding of early math concepts predicts both a child’s future math and literacy skills.

The great news is that math is all around us. Check out our featured resources for simple ways to introduce early math concepts to your child during everyday activities.

Featured Resources

Highlights Early Math Guide

This interactive guide features fun and easy math activities that you and your child can do anywhere, from driving in your car or shopping for groceries, to doing laundry or setting the table. Read them, listen to them, or watch them as videos!

Let's Talk, Read, and Sing About STEM!

Transform small moments into big opportunities for your littlest discoverers with these STEM activities that can be done during daily moments.

Video: Everyday Fun with Addition and Subtraction

Video with fun activities designed to support young children’s growing knowledge of addition and subtraction from birth to 5.

Resource Directory

DJ's Busy Day

Let’s Talk about Art!

Tips for Talking with Multiple Children

Let's Talk About Math: Everyday Fun with Counting

Let's Talk About Math: Everyday Fun with Spatial Awareness

Let's Talk About Math: Everyday Fun with Shapes

Let's Talk About Math: Everyday Fun with Patterns

Let's Talk About Math: Everyday Fun with Measurement

Let's Talk About Math: Everyday Fun with Addition and Subtraction

STEM Moments: Everyday Fun with Science

STEM Moments: Everyday Fun with Engineering and Technology

"Talk Math" Activities Sheet

"Let's Talk About Math" Highlights Guide

Let's Talk, Read, and Sing About STEM!

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