Adding Your Logo

The Talking is Teaching campaign is a deeply collaborative effort, designed from the ground up, and our creative reflects this. While the limits of space prevent us from including every partner logo on every product, we welcome you to include your logos and those of your close collaborators on the creative products best suited for branding. We’ve put together recommendations for those products that are best suited to partner logos.

Partner logos on posters should be placed underneath the URL and align to the bottom of the logo speech bubble. The logo should be arranged horizontally and fill no more than 75% of the vertical gap between the bottom of the speech bubble and the bottom of the URL. If possible, the logos should be set in a single color that matches the artwork.
If the partner logos are too tall to fit in this arrangement, you may move the URL up to align with the bottom of the “Talking is” line in the logo. The same grid should then be drawn, and the same 75% rule should be observed.
The space available for partner logos on posters is limited, so it’s best to list only your most important partners, or to customize your posters for the different locations in which they’ll be used. That way you can include partners relevant to a single location and avoid a too-crowded logo section. If you need to feature all of your partners’ logos in one place, we recommend doing so on the tote bag back.

Tote Bags

The Talking is Teaching clothing line should generally focus on messages to parents and caregivers. Our tote bags are also a great place to showcase your organization and community partners. Tote bag backs are useful for featuring partners that might have been excluded from other products.
The tote bag back includes the Talking is Teaching logo in the bottom right corner. Partner logos should be included in the bottom left, and aligned to the same margin as the Talking is Teaching logo.

On documents such as tip sheets or other parent-facing handouts, partner logos should be placed at the bottom of the last page of the document. As with posters, we recommend only listing those partners most relevant to the particular document.