Laundromat Outreach Guide for Librarians

Families spend an average of 2.5 hours during each visit to the laundromat per week. Our goal is to transform laundromat spaces into colorful, literacy-rich, and family-friendly areas that encourage meaningful parent-child interactions like talking, reading, singing, writing, and playing.
This guide, developed by the children’s librarians at the Chicago Public Library and Too Small to Fail, is designed to provide you with tools and information to complement the work you are already doing with families and extend your efforts into laundromats. Parents can benefit from hearing you explain the benefits of talking, reading, and singing during the early years—and seeing you model how to engage in these activities with their children in fun and easy ways. In this guide, you’ll find:
• Key messages to share with parents and caregivers
• Suggestions for ways to engage children in story time and other literacy activities
• Playful activities, games, and songs you can share with children and families
• Ideas for ways you can help families continue the literacy-rich activities at home